Friday, January 14, 2011

Post for the weekend of 1/15-1/17

Hello All,

For this post, read William Blake's "Auguries of Innocence" and then pose a question as if you were writing a list of questions for students to answer regarding this poem. The question could concern a literary device, an image, a turn of phrase, or a theme/idea/meaning.

Again, just pose one question, but make sure that your question is not the same as someone else's (read the previous questions your fellow students have posted, unless you're the first, in which case, good work!).


  1. What was the meaning behind the author giving us so many examples of bound and mistreated animals throughout the first half of the poem?

    Lindsay Davis

  2. What is William Blake saying in these two stanzas?
    He who mocks the infant's faith
    Shall be mock'd in age and death.
    He who shall teach the child to doubt
    The rotting grave shall ne'er get out.

    He who respects the infant's faith
    Triumphs over hell and death.
    The child's toys and the old man's reasons
    Are the fruits of the two seasons

    Jaime Nelson

  3. What is the significance of the last two stanzas to the rest of the poem?

    Sharena Gonder

  4. Wow. What motivated the author to write this?

  5. Which literary term describing how poetry is written is used in these two lines:
    He who shall train the horse to war
    Shall never pass the polar bar.

  6. Throughout the poem Blake uses different anaphoras in each stanza.
    Is there a symbolic meaning to the anaphoras or are they used simply for poetic structure?
    -Carmen M.

  7. What is the significance of the rhyme scheme Blake utilizes through the entirety of the poem?

    -Edgar Moreno

  8. What is the author trying to say when he says:
    The poison of the honey bee
    Is the artist's jealousy.
    Nancy Reyes

  9. What is the author trying to say in these stanzas?

    Every night and every morn
    Some to misery are born,
    Every morn and every night
    Some are born to sweet delight.

    Some are born to sweet delight,
    Some are born to endless night.

  10. what extended metaphor is said in the first stanza and what is the reason for it?

    Marlyce Haugen

  11. In the last four stanzas of the poem, what do night and day symbolize or represent?

    Dakota Warren

  12. What does the author mean in the following stanza?

    It is right it should be so;
    Man was made for joy and woe;
    And when this we rightly know,
    Thro' the world we safely go.

    Gloria Gonzalez

  13. Why are some ways Innocence is being brought up in William Blakes poem?

    Gloria Gonzalez

  14. How is the title "Auguries of Innocence" relevant to the poem?

    -Elizabeth Fernandez

  15. Blake introduces the idea of heaven throughout the poem. What is its significance in his work?

  16. The gnat that sings his summer's song
    Poison gets from slander's tongue.
    The poison of the snake and newt
    Is the sweat of envy's foot.

    What is the author saying in this stanza? Does it have any significant meaning?

  17. What is the significance of the first stanza?

    To see a world in a grain of sand,
    And a heaven in a wild flower,
    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
    And eternity in an hour.

    -V. Zamago

  18. Why was parallelism used the most in the last few stanzas?

  19. In lines 5-6,"A Robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven's in a rage." What is the meaning of this quote or why would the heaven's be in a rage?

  20. Why do you feel Blake uses so many forms of imagery to help portray the meaning of his poem?

    Renelle Gisyer

  21. Why are animals used as the imagery to help relate to heaven and god?

  22. God appears, and God is light,
    To those poor souls who dwell in night;
    But does a human form display
    To those who dwell in realms of day.

    What is Blake mean in these final stanza's about God and humans?

    -breane brothers

  23. What is the rhyme scheme used in this poem?

    Alejandro Morales

  24. Why does Blake utilize personification in his poem and what does it signify?

    -Yareli Lopez

  25. what is significance on this stanza?
    The wanton boy that kills the fly
    Shall feel the spider's enmity.
    He who torments the chafer's sprite
    Weaves a bower in endless night.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. reading this poem id ask, "what did william blake see or who he knew lived the life described in this poem?"

    manuel gutierrez

  28. Does the poem represent the life of someone who never truly lives their life?

    -Joni Lagerstrom

  29. What does the author mean by:
    The winner's shout, the loser's curse,
    Dance before dead England's hearse. ?
    Maria G.

  30. What does the following metaphor mean..."To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower...?"
    Maria Zuniga

  31. Is William Blake blaming God/religion for the problems in this world?

    -Bryan Lainez

  32. "A robin redbreast in a cage
    Puts all heaven in a rage"
    What does this mean?

    Leo Contreras.

  33. Why does Blake include conflict within the animal kingdom in his poem "Auguries of Innocence"

    Ezekiel V. Espanola

  34. Why does William Blake keep refering to animals in almost all of his stanzas?

    Alfredo Moreno

  35. what is the significance of Blake's desccription of the innocent's hardships (such as the examples used of the animals and humans)and the main idea hes trying to get across to his readers?

  36. Joy and woe are woven fine,
    A clothing for the soul divine.
    Under every grief and pine
    Runs a joy with silken twine.

    In this stanza, what images come to mind and does this relate to any literary terms we have learned in class?

  37. Why kind of rhyme does the poet use in this poem? Why?


  38. David Maciel GonzalezJanuary 21, 2011 at 9:43 PM

    Why does Blake speak in 3rd person?

  39. Around what time was this poem written in?

    What country is this author from because it's hard to understand the wording of it.
